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GU10 Lamp Holder with Springs Product Release
1464     2022-11-05

LinkedLight is proud to announce that the GU10 Lamp Holder with Springs Product Series has officially entered the Swiss market, like all the other products which have been successfully tested by the market and time, this GU10 Lamp holder with springs kit have won the high praise from customer groups.


This GU10 Lampholder with Springs is including the following components:

 - GU10 Lamp Holder with 2 Springs and Silicone wire / VDE Approval

- Single Fiberglass Sleeving

- 3 Pole Screwless Terminal Block / VDE Approval

- Yellow&Green Earth Wire with U Ring / VDE Approval


This product is mainly used for GU10 Downlights, GU10 Magnetic Lights and other LED commercial lighting, Architecture lighting.

 Click here to find out more similar product series.