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LinkedLight Lampholder and Lamp Holder Kit Pass the Test of EU REACH New Raw
1926     2021-05-07

The new EU REACH regulation came into effect on 5 January 2021 and the SVHCs list of substances of High concern has been updated to 209 items.

The regulation requires that products entering the EU market that contain more than 0.1% of any SVHCs in the corresponding component need to be informed or notified to the ECHA European Chemicals Agency.

In order to meet the requirements of REACH new regulations of the European Union, LinkedLight lamp holder and lampholder kit obtained the REACH inspection report issued by Intertek on May 06 after passing the new regulations.

The relative products are E27 Plastic Lampholder / E27.103S, E27 Lampholder Suspension with Connector / LHS.302.2022H.